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Stay with Me

Stay with me for a while, the night will close

Its doors, after we enter them, the moon

Illuminates our footsteps, but suppose

We walk beside the sea, singing a song,


With words we do not remember, and laugh,

And laugh again, the water at our knees,

With nowhere better to go, as we walk,

We walk beyond the night to see the sun,


The best of friends, a summer love that brings

Our hearts closer, just as the seagull brings

Fresh fish to its nest, with the memory

Of barnacles clinging, our hands clinging

To each other, upon the same jetty.


I still dream of summer, and the clanging

We heard, when buoys hit the salty rock,

The wind-blown waves that crashed over the sand,

Our friendship, safely anchored at the dock,

Though we set sail, each to a distant land.


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